Meet our business operations and finance team

Automata’s business operations and finance teams are the linchpin of our business, ensuring we execute a best-in-class service for our colleagues, clients and investors. Meet some of the people keeping Automata on track below.

Combining expertise gained in retail, banking, start-ups and technology companies, our business operations and finance functions are here to ensure everyone has a great experience with Automata.

Working closely with our leadership and commercial teams, Henni and Jenny help us maintain a steady financial position for our board and investors; Oli leads our customer success team with his eye always on the client; and Karian has been with us from the beginning, building the incredible team we see at Automata today.

Alice Tome-Fernandez
Senior Application Scientist
Alice Tome-Fernandez is a Senior Applications Scientist here at Automata. She leverages her experience in developing multi-omics tools and the application of laboratory automation to create people-centric solutions for labs.
Image of Mairi
Mairi Watson
Director of Global Procurement
Mairi is Automata’s Director of Global Procurement and is responsible for managing the core supply chain and logistics needs for all of Automata’s customers and offices across the world. She has 25 years of experience in senior procurement roles and is Automata’s secret weapon when it comes to problem-solving and negotiation!
Henni Roini
Chief of Staff
Henni is a Chief of Staff at Automata and is responsible for the company operating system, board reporting and strategic projects. She has a diverse professional background spanning venture capital investing, commercial roles within tech companies, and nonprofit management.
Jennifer Howson
Jenny is Automata’s Fractional Chief Finance Officer, having joined us with an impressive CV covering finance roles in global businesses such as Diageo, L’Oreal, PwC, Graze, and most recently KatKin.
Oli Hoy
Head of Customer Success
As Head of Customer Success, Oli is Automata’s resident problem solver, facilitator, operations lead, and sounding board for the executive team, while also heading up our customer success department. Oli has a degree in Economics and Management from the University of Oxford.
Karian Lewis King
Head of People
As Head of People at Automata, Karian is passionate about creating opportunities for growth in people and businesses. She has extensive experience in a variety of fields and has worked with several start-up and scale-up companies to transform their hiring strategies.

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